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Painting After Postmodernism review by The Brooklyn Rail, Tom McGlynn, 2018
Torneremo liberi. Con l'arte: Barbara Rose, Corriere Della Sera, May 2020
Paradiso Americano-Saggi sull'arte e l'antiarte 1963-2008 by Barbara Rose, Libri Scheiwiller, Milan, 2008
Identidad Femenina en la colección del ivam text by Barbara Rose, IVAM Istitut Valencia d'Art Modern, Valencia, 2011
Quarantine Entry for #CORPOenCasa, Roberto Polo
April 2020
VASTA Monograph
Petruzzi Editore, 2015
Works from 1980-2015
Text by Barbara Rose

Interruptio, Rossella Vasta et alii, Fabrizio Fabbri Editore, 2010
A collection of anthologies compiled by Rossella Vasta
Rossella Vasta in the permanent collection of CIAC Foligno | "De Profundis" | Carifol Foundation
September 2022
"Entanglements/Entrelazaimentos" // Fundación Antonio Perez
January 2023
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